Here you can find a selection of works made during my Bachelor at the Bern University of the Arts (Hochschule der Künste Bern - HKB)


Quatuoracorde1.0 is a piece for 4 string instruments: 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass.


Partie1 is a piece for cello, dance and Live-electronics. It is a collaboration with Lydia Weyrich. In this piece, a camera analyses the movements of the dancer who thus processes the sound of the cello.

Space, modular and string instruments

Space, modular and string instruments is a performative installation. It is a collaboration with Timon Kurz. I played the cello and Timon played a modular synthesizer and a self made string instrument. We met a few times to jam and we created a sound piece which was played in a room through 8 speakers. The music is constantly played and the sounds are spatialized. Sometimes, the performers come to the room and improvise. Their improvisation is then recorded and added to the original sound, adding a new layer of sound to the composition. This piece challenges the boundaries between installation and performance, between improvisation and composition.


Trümmerbedeckt is a piece for voice and Live-electronics. It is a collaborative work by Flurina Ruos (voice), Mathias Smith (electronic), and Boris Gétaz (electronic).